Nathan Liang
Nathan is broadly interested in understanding the influence of social norms on cooperation, intergroup relations, and prosocial behavior. He has also dabbled in experimental philosophy and is curious about how individuals’ religious convictions inform their metaethical beliefs. He received his B.S. in psychology and minor in philosophy in 2020 from Duke University, where he worked with Dr. Felipe De Brigard, Dr. Paul Seli, and Dr. Walter Sinnott-Armstrong. Most recently, he was employed as a lab manager and research specialist in Dr. Diana I. Tamir’s Social Neuroscience Lab at Princeton University. He is currently a moral psychology field experiment coordinator working jointly with Dr. Liane Young and Dr. Gregg R. Sparkman in the Morality Lab and the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society. He is also the research coordinator for the MIT Applied Cooperation Team.