Working Papers

Working Papers

In the spirit of open science, we are making our to-be-published manuscripts available here. Links to OSF projects, code, and public data can be found in manuscripts.

We ask that you respect reasonable limits on the use and propagation of our unpublished manuscripts and data. Please email our lab manager if you plan to use any of these materials (e.g., if you would like to publish an analysis of our open data or cite a working manuscript).

Under Review + In Prep.

Nelson-Pryor, K., Syropoulos, S., Kraft-Todd, G., Young, L., & Steinberg, L. (2025). Interdisciplinarity and intellectual virtues in knowledge work: Evidence from a longitudinal survey of IDR-engaged faculty. Science, Technology, & Human Values, Under Review.

Chukwudebe, A., Manalili, M. M. C., Young, L., & Syropoulos, S. (2024). Independence of intellect and ego relates to increased subjective well-being and decreased psychopathology. 

Loustau, T., Mah, A., Park, B., Dixon-Gordon, K., Markowitz, E., Nteta, T., Reid, A., Ginn, J., Suh, S., Lickel, B., Young, L., & Syropoulos, S. (2024). Social Network Diversity and Mental Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Krause, P., Özturan, B., & Young, L. (2024). How students and the public define terrorism, and how education affects those definitions.

Kim, M., Theriault, J., & Young, L. (2024). Social prediction in the Theory of Mind Network.

Daley, R. T., Kim, M. J., Young, L., & Kensinger, E. A. (under review). Breaching of the U.S. Capitol: Memory and moral judgment.

Law, K. F., Gittle, E., Young, L., & Syropoulos, S. (2024). Mapping and increasing americans’ actual and perceived support for initiatives protecting future generations. PsyArXiv.

Law, K.F.,* Syropoulos, S.,* Signorini, A., Young, L., & O’Connor, B.B. (2024). Why global poverty in the present matters for intergenerational concern and the future of humanity. PsyArXiv.

Syropoulos, S.,* Law, K.F.,* Young, L., & O’Connor, B.B. (2024). Beyond seven generations: Mapping and expanding the temporal horizon of intergenerational concern. PsyArXiv.

​​​Law, K. F.,* Syropoulos, S.,* Young, L., & O’Connor, B. B. (2024). What we owe the present: The perceived morality of longtermism and helping distant future people. PsyArXiv.

Handley-Miner, I. J., & Young, L. (2024, October 10). Registered report: How does the process of explaining affect one’s beliefs?

Loustau, T., Padilla Fong, H., & Young, L. (under review). Social identity complexity mitigates intergroup bias in moral judgment.

Szanton, E. C., Kodipady, A., Onyeador, I. N., & Young, L. (under review). Walk the talk: The effects of apology and reparation after acts of prejudice.

Wylie, J., Dhaliwal, N., Sparkman, G., & Young, L. (under review). When are prosocial institutional signals seen as genuine? The role of politics and institutional characteristics.

Szanton, E. C., Lei, R. F., Foster-Hanson, E., Kumar, V., & Young, L. (under review). Free to abandon “Born This Way” narratives? A test of the motivated model of sexual orientation essentialism.

Loustau, T., McManus, R. M., Syropoulos, S., & Young, L. (under review) How morally good are donors? It depends on who knows about their donation.

Kodipady, A., Young, L., & Sparkman, G. (in prep.). The precursors to and consequences of threat-related motivations to perceive reputation signaling.

Tsoi, L., Hamlin, K., Waytz, A., Baron, A. S., & Young, L. (in prep.). False belief understanding for negative versus positive interactions in children and adults.

Tsoi, L., Lee, Y. S., & Young, L. (in prep.). Categorical perception of race is mediated by distributed patterns of activity in the brain.